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Friday, March 12, 2010

How can I lower my premiums?

Someone emailed me today and asked how can I lower my healh insurance premiums? Good question.

1.) If you have individual coverage and not group, then odds are you have a renewal each year. In the past 10 years Health care plans have gone up an average of 10%. Some this year have gone up as much as 40%. Ask your company if they have risk evaluations to lower your premiums. If you're in good health, then you may get a lower risk tier with your company.

2.) Shop around - If you don't have too many pre-existing conditions, then shop around and find the best value. Let an independent broker do the leg work and make him find the best rates with a similar plan you have now by doing a comparative analysis with different companies. Or if your plan is weak in benefits, shop for better benefits. Health Savings accounts have the most affordable premiums right now with most insurance companies.

3.) Raise your deductible. Although this will expose you more financially in the event of a catastrophic illness or accident your premiums will obviously be reduced. Be careful, if you try to go back to an original deductible with your insurance company you might be denied because of pre-existing conditions.

4.) If you have a group plan, then generally you'll have to check with your company to see what other affordable plans are offered during open enrollment or shop for individual plans and see if your employer will compensate by going the individual route. Some will.

Good luck

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